The flashes of their presence, the metaphysics of their manifestation, the simple intuition of their existence raised the question, like a demand, the requirement for an answer.
What could we respond to eternal beings? They descend and ascend to the earth, crawl and fly, their gazes pierce us, scanning all dimensions, eyes always open and alert.
Incapable of perceiving them in the vortex of our routines. The stiffness and cold, the metal of their skin paralyze us, even the wind warns us that it's better to be indoors. Their language without words, the foundation of their communication: silence.
Without having articulated it, we breathe and assume our reality, slaves to the future and matter.
The work "The Seraphim of Decay" seeks to encompass socio-cultural and political themes to question the way we are living and the future we are creating. Through the detachment of identity, the work brings characters from personal dreams into reality, representing fears and pleasures inhabiting a transitional space between reality and fiction. It questions the inquiry into being human, between salvation and catastrophe, between the eternal and the technological, always there in the middle, falling into the void of our presence and existence, our lives as a perpetual questioning.
This work was made possible thanks to the union and coordination of the best and highest talents in the country (Colombia).